What is lowcostconsultancy?

Welcome to the future of consultancy! In this ever-evolving world, every organization deserves good consultancy without the hefty price. Our AI-driven consultancy combines decades of expertise with the latest in artificial intelligence to provide tailored solutions for your specific challenges.

We’re your affordable and reliable partner in navigating your organization’s unique challenges.

How does lowcostconsultancy work?

Step-by-Step Process:

  1. Intake: you tell us about your business challenge
  2. Confirmation: we’ll let you know if we are able to help
  3. Payment: when you accept the offer and pay, we start working
  4. Delivery: we provide you with the advice, consisting of 10 options, within 48 business hours
  5. Bonus: a 6-step simple and effective implementation guide to make it happen
  6. Selection: you tell us which three options will solve your challenge most likely
  7. Slingshot: we add detailed advice for those options, to kick-start the implementation

Package Options:
We offer three distinct packages tailored to different needs. Your choice determines the depth and breadth of the advice we provide. Make sure to select the one that best aligns with your requirements.

What is your unique GROWTH-method©?

The GROWTH-method© Breakdown:

1. Team Setup and Preparation:

  • Get your team ready for the specific business challenge at hand.
  • Organize roles and responsibilities clearly.
  • Emphasize diverse thinking—different perspectives drive better solutions.

2. Utilizing the GROWTH-canvas©:

  • Follow a clear, step-by-step process to pinpoint the best course of action.
  • Implement chosen solutions efficiently.
  • Use the canvas as a roadmap, ensuring consistent progress towards your goals.
  • Regularly validate the outcome to measure and ensure the success of your progress.

The GROWTH-method© is a straightforward approach to progress towards desirable outcomes. And as a bonus your team might start working better together. 

What organizational challenges can we address?

Ask any organizational question: While we have expertise in many areas, we’ll be candid if something is beyond our scope.

Common queries: Many questions often touch on:

  • Optimizing internal organization
  • Enhancing customer value and expanding market presence
  • Maintaining innovation for future growth
  • Refining the current business model for optimal performance

Many businesses today understand the significance of sustainability and fostering diverse, inclusive teams. We’re firmly behind these initiatives and warmly welcome questions on these topics. We’re convinced that organizations can be a force for good and a catalyst for positive change.

Who do you cater for?

Our primary audience is (to be) managers and entrepeneurs who are confronted with urgent business challenges and are seeking effective, tailored solutions at affordable prices.

All you need is a question and a credit card to be one step closer to your way forward. 

What kind of advice will we receive?

We take your specific context and challenges, run them through a tailored prompt, and then have our experienced consultants refine the output.

What you get are 10 clear, actionable options to tackle your business challenges. We believe in presenting all potential solutions and then guiding you on how best to navigate them.

Using our implementaion guide* you will be able to select 3 options that fit your challenge and context best.

Those three options will be worked out in more detail. So you can get started right away.

*The implementation guide is based on our unique GROWTH-method©

This includes how to set up your team to face the challenge and a clear, practical plan to put the chosen solutions into action.

In just 6 simple steps of the GROWTH-canvas© you work yourself towards result.

How do you ensure the credibility of AI-generated advice?

Every piece of advice our AI produces is based on evidence from trusted literature and studies.

To ensure utmost reliability and applicability, every AI-generated solution undergoes a review by our seasoned consultancy experts.

By using the power of AI you can take a heads-start. In stead o starting with average you start with good.  And the chances are more likely to end at outstanding than great.

  • Average: is where we usually start but can skip due to the use of AI. 
  • Good: is where we usually spend most out time and now can start working.
  • Excellent: is where we end if things work out but with AI can spend most of our time.
  • Outstanding:  is where we rarely end-up and with the help of AI can deliver.


What’s included in each package?

Starter insight:  

  • the digitale intake process
  • a written advice in PDF with 10 options
  • the free implementation guide
  • 3 selected options worked out in detail

Enhanced engagement: 

  • the personal intake process through (video) call
  • a written advice in PDF with 10 options
  • the free implementation guide
  • 3 selected options worked out in detail
  • a follow-up call after a month.

Comprehensive catalyst: 

  • the personal intake process through (video) call
  • a written advice in PDF with 10 options
  • the free implementation guide
  • a  workshop of 2 hours to work on the selection of the best options
  • 3 selected options worked out in detail
  • a follow-up call after a month.

All advice comes with our implementation guide based on our unique GROWTH-method© for effective execution.

What is your vision and mission?

Our mission is to democratize access to consultancy.

We aim to empower organizations by providing tailored solutions that cater to specific realities, and develop the ability to navigate challenges successfully.


What are your key values?

At the heart of our service lie core values:

  • Affordable: Quality consultancy that’s budget-friendly.
  • Practical: Solutions grounded in reality for tangible results.
  • Empower: Equipping organizations with tools and insights for informed decisions.
  • Impact: Driving positive change in both your organization and the broader community.

Join us on this transformative journey to redefine the consultancy landscape.

What is the difference between lowcostconsultancy and freeconsultancy?

freeconsultancy: quick answers for common business challenges

  • Immediate guidance: at freeconsultancy, we offer prompt solutions to the most frequently encountered business challenges, making it a perfect starting point when you’re facing new issues.
  • No costs attached: our platform is designed to provide you with free insights whenever you require a general direction or quick advice on common business hurdles.

lowcostconsultancy: customized consultation for specific needs

  • Bespoke solutions: lowcostconsultancy goes beyond general advice, offering tailored options that consider your unique challenges and context.
  • Direct conversations: for those selecting their extended package, a direct consultation ensures a comprehensive understanding of your specific needs and environment.
  • Guided implementation: opt for their premium package, and you’ll benefit from a hands-on workshop designed to help you implement their recommendations using a our unique Growth-model.

What is the difference between lowcostconsultancy and traditional consultancy firms?

While traditional consultancy firms have the capability to integrate AI for more efficient advice, they are often constrained by their own business models that do not incentivize providing solutions at lower fees or within faster timelines; lowcostconsultancy disrupts this paradigm by deliberately aligning AI with expert consultancy to deliver affordable, practical solutions.  To put it simple: you get the advantage.

Our approach is more pragmatic, empowering organizations to conduct their own problem analysis while we focus on generating a diverse array of options, making it easier for you to make a selection from the actionable solutions.”

Furthermore, each recommendation comes with an implementation guide based on our unique GROWTH-method© to ensure a seamless transition from problem identification to solution execution.

The GROWTH-method© ensures that each advice not only addresses your immediate goals but also aids in the transformation of mindset and skillset, empowering you for sustainable success.

In summary:  lowcostconsultancy offers a blend of modern technology and human expertise, aimed at providing affordable, effective, and scalable solutions for positive growth.

How can you contact us?

You can reach us via e-mail at welcome@lowcostconsultancy.com or reacht out via Linkedin