Which packages can you choose from?

We offer a range of three packages designed to suit different needs. Whether you’re looking for initial guidance or more personal consultation and support, we have an option that matches your requirements. Check out the options.


Starter Insight


A cost-effective consultation

  • Digital intake form
  • Digital advice with 10 solutions
  • A unique implementation guide


Comprehensive Catalyst


Our premier package, offering additional support

  • A personal intake via video call
  • Digital advice with 10 solutions
  • A workshop to guide you


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1. Identify your business challenge

Choose the area that best matches your current business challenge.


2. Provide further details

Please share more information so we understand your need. Describe your business challenge in one sentence. And add a short context about your specific situation.

3. Pick the right package for you

Find the support that aligns with your requirements. Remember, you’ll only be billed after we’ve reached out and you’ve confirmed your request. Find the details of the packages below.


4. Your contact information

Please share your contact details so we can get back to you. We’ll use this information solely to reach out to you and any potential follow-up.

Thanks for trusting us with your request.

You have just taken the first step toward your advice. We will get back to you about the following steps:

  1. Confirmation: We’ll review your submission and reach out to confirm the specifics of your request. We will also add a digital intake form and if included in the package plan a (video)call.

  2. Payment: Once we’ve clarified the details, you’ll need to make a payment to kick things off.

  3. Delivery: Once we received the payment we get to work. 

Read more about the steps on the homepage or read the why us section.